Monday, November 9, 2009

Twenty Years Ago Tonight

I am sitting here watching the news, and am reminded of what I was doing twenty years ago tonight. My wife was at work, and I was sitting on the couch, watching something happen that all my life I assumed would never happen. The Berlin Wall was coming down.

I remember sitting there, weeping, as I thought of some friends who were involved in youth ministry, and how they had already been "behind the iron curtain" to meet with youth workers in some of those countries to teach them a little of what we knew. I remember saying to God and to myself, "Lord, if you open the door" I will go. Little did I know that it would take nearly two years for that door to open, and little did I know that from 1991 to the present, I would have gone to Eastern Europe twenty-one times. (Mostly to Romania, four times to Ukraine, and once to Russia) I have been privileged to help train youth leaders, serve orphans, and share the love of Jesus with people through church outreach.

I still have friends from that very first trip in 1991. I count many orphans who are growing up among my friends as well. And there are precious believers from numerous places.

Going to Eastern Europe in those early years was a big stretch for me. I'd been to Kenya in 1988, and that is another awesome story, but this was so different. Romania especially will always hold a special place in my heart, because of the hundreds of friends I have there. Lots more thoughts, but, you get the idea.

If you ever get a chance to travel with a purpose like this, you should not miss it! It will change your life, and the way you see others. Warning though... It could change where you live... or at least fill up your passport.

Jesus said, "Go." Why are we so prone to stay?

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