Friday, June 25, 2010

Words That Count

This morning I got up and put out the trash so the North Augusta waste warriors could come pick it up. While at the curb I decided to pick up the free paper tossed weekly in the driveway (can you say “unsolicited litter”?) as well as today’s edition of the newspaper.

I came in, got my coffee, and had a seat in my Quiet Time spot, but first I read the papers. Probably spent thirty minutes or more scanning through them and getting a fix on what was going on around the world and in the community. I read about a number of things and felt like a better-informed citizen. I was also entertained, since I always read the comics, or “funny papers,” as my granddad used to call them.

Then, I picked up my Bible. My reading was Matthew 4:1-4. This is the start of the passage about Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. The devil’s temptation and Jesus’ response grabbed my attention.
We, in the “information age,” are inundated with words. Many of us could spend all day answering emails, updating Facebook or Twitter, texting and talking on the phone, listening to music, talk radio or TV, and (when we can fit it in) conversing with people—thousands of words every day. Most of these words will make little difference a week from now, much less years from now, but they demand our time, and may keep us from the words that count: God’s words.

Jesus' response to the tempter, quoting Deuteronomy 8:3: saying, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” God’s words are the words that count.

Here are some things I try to practice that help me give God the proper place:
  • Bible first. No other media before it. 
  • If you use your computer along with your Bible as I do, stay away from your email inbox. Email has a way of getting my workday started, and that gets me distracted from the most important thing.
  • Write. You may use a notebook. You may use a computer. Writing helps me process what I am reading, and to dwell on it a little while. Many times as I write, God will open my eyes to a new truth about himself or a truth about me—both of which I need.
  • Make the time to let God speak to you. That may mean getting up earlier, which probably means going to bed earlier. Give God you best brain time, when your thoughts are uncluttered and you’re the least sleepy.
May we focus on words that count.

Quick Health Update
I feel great. All the poking and prodding on Tuesday went fine. I do wonder if blood-letting may be a secret part of the treatment. So many vials... We get the report on July 6.

Thanks for your prayers. They are the most important part of the treatment and my healing.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Testing 1-2-3

Haven't put anything here for awhile. The last couple of weeks have been both great and busy. Last week our church had vacation Bible School, and I was assisted by a crew of teenage guys shooting video of the week. It was fun. We put together a highlight video for the week, which is more meaningful to folks in our church that many other readers. I will say that if you are near my age and went to VBS as a kid, it has come a long way!

VBS Highlights, June 14-18, 2010 from Curtis Church Media on Vimeo.

Saturday, I was out running a few errands when I got a call from our Personnel Team chairman, who told me my Sr. Pastor was really sick (sinus junk - I know about that!) and could I preach Sunday morning. I agreed, and all my way to Walmart, I prayed and said, "Okay, God, what would you like to say tomorrow." God gave me a direction which sort of turned into a Father's Day/Missions message. No video, but if you want to listen, you can do that at the link below.

Testing 1-2-3  -  Health Update
Well tomorrow is a the big day, day 100-ish after my Stem Cell Transplant. It is actually day 96, but the Emory folks said that is close enough. So tomorrow we'll be having some tests at 1:00 PM, see some Medical Professionals (Usually a Nurse Practitioner, and possibly a Doctor) at 2:00, and then a Bone Marrow Aspiration at 3:00 PM. Not fun, but they give you some meds to make it far more tolerable. We won't get results until July 6. We are praying and trusting God for a great report. Pray with us.

As far as how I feel... I feel great. Like I could hop on a plane and go anywhere. But, for now, that has to wait on God's timing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Psalm 91

I love this song, and this Psalm. I hope this will get you to the video. (I am experimenting).

Psalm 91 from Curtis Church Media on Vimeo.

Friday, June 11, 2010

God Travelers Revisited

Back in June of 2008, I wrote a post entitled "God Travelers" about college and graduate students who travel to distant places because they want to serve the Lord and be used by Him. (You can go back and read that post if you like by clicking on the title above.)

This summer one of my own, is traveling along with a few others I know. It is hard to see them leave, but it is great to know why they are going, and that they are being obedient about going. Jesus told his disciples five times to "go." (Once in each gospel and once in Acts) That is ample reason enough.

Pray for R, J, J, E and R this summer as they travel, to serve others, to glorify God, and share the Truth and freedom that only Jesus provides.

Quick Health Update - I am doing great! I feel like I could hop on the plane with these travelers, but I don't think the doctor will let me. Later this month I'll have a big test. Then early next month we'll hear the results. So pray that the doctors will get a God-sized surprise that I am healed.
