Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mad About You and Red Stuff

Yesterday, as I picked up my Bible, I told God I wanted to know what to read, what to look at, to study. I want this time to be helpful to me, but also to help me help others, especially those closest to me. It seemed God prompted me to just go back to James 1:2-4 and start there. I can run references and gather other leads as I go through them. So I picked up my Bible – one that I haven’t used in a few months, and there, in the margins around James 1:2 are these words.

“Problems are not punishments but wake up calls. God is not mad at you, but mad about you, and He is trying to get your attention.”

Well, he certainly has my attention. There is a now a fresh dynamic of faith working here. I have been convinced for years of both the truth and exclusivity of the gospel, the efficacy of His salvation, and – perhaps most of all – His amazing grace. Now that my physicians have uttered the word "cancer" into my health evaluation, I have the warning “shot across the bow” that many never receive. Being sure of your relationship to Christ is way more than assuming everyone goes to heaven. More about that on another day.

In scripture, if you read the New American Standard Bible, you'll find that Esau traded his birthright for what is literally translated "red stuff." I know we usually think of it at "Jacob's Amazing Stew," but, whatever it was, apparently the color was red.

Today, I was surprised the have some "red stuff" myself during my second round of chemo. Through my own exceptional ability of misunderstanding what is said to me, I thought the two-medicine day was going to happen next Thursday. But this is what the doctors and nurses, were saying (and what my wife ws hearing) all along. So far so good. Pray that the side effects stay mild. Okay, that is the "health report."

Thanks for your prayers and notes of encouragement.

Monday, October 26, 2009

"Why" and "What"

Hi folks. The day after the first treatment has been okay. Thanks again for all the notes and prayers. One response that came today is this, and it sums up thoughts I have been working on in my head. I'll have more to say about this, but I know that the questions alluded to are questions many of you are already asking. It is okay to ask questions, though. God can handle them. He may not reveal all the answers, but the key is to remember who is in charge, and it isn't me. :-)

Here is what my friend sent me...

My Friend,

As we read through the Word, we often find people asking “Why,” yet we don’t necessarily like the answer God gives. “Why:” because God is sovereign and this event meets His plan. I believe God does not provide much detail for the “Why” question because it focuses on us. The full question we are asking is, “Why is this happening to me?” And the answer we often provide (like Job and like a teenager) is, “I didn’t do anything wrong.” Once we come to grips with the answer to the “Why” question - because we are clay in God’s hands, then we can ask the “What” question.

Ah, the “What” question. Now, here is a question our heavenly Father seems to answer readily and fully. The “What” question removes the focus from us and puts it on Him. “What do You want me to learn from this;” “What do You want me to say to that individual;” “What is Your purpose in this?” He will gently, lovingly, and kindly answer the “What” question.

The “Why” question kicks off a pity party. The “What” question focuses us on our Father. The “Why” question is easier to ask. The “What” question gives us a more rewarding answer.

Thanks Art. You have said it well.

For His glory,

Real Deal

Well, the test results showed what the doctor expected. Wish the news was better, but that wasn't today's report. So, in a few minutes, I was connected up tp get my first treatment.

God and his miraculous hand is not out of the picture. It never is. So keep praying. God can do whatever he wants to do, whenever he wants to do it.

Reading scripture, I find that there are many times where divine deliverance occurs, but I also find times it does not. One of the first scriptures that came to mind, though, when this began to come into focus in recent weeks was the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - or Hannaniah, Mishael and Azariah. (See July post on Thick-headed Neb.) The part I remembered was the line from the three Hebrew children who told Nebuchadnezzar that they had no intention of bowing down to his idol, and that God could deliver them from his fiery furnace. But (and here is the kicker) "even if He does not we will not bow down." Now that is boldness and faith. Not easy, but strong.

I like to have that kind of faith. I want to have it. I hope to model it. But the truth is, I vacillate between confident faith and being scared to death. God can handle that honesty.

My treatment schedule is to be, if no problems or adjustments, are to be each Monday and Thursday for two weeks, then a week off. So pray on those days, and pray the side effects, if treatment must continue, will be mild. And, most of all pray that God will be glorified in it all.

Thanks for all the notes, emails, posts, etc. Some of you who have been through this deal have sent good advice. I appreciate that.



Have received so many notes, postings, assurances or prayer. That means SO much. Keep them coming. That is the main coverage we need.

Just got word from the doctors office that everything is covered now by insurance, so, whatever the case, that is a praise. Of course, if God chooses to answer with complete, miraculous healing and that "tiny chance" I mentioned in the video turns out to be the reality, no one will complain.

Thanks again for your prayers, offers of help and help, and more.

In Jesus,

Sunday, October 25, 2009

When Life Slams on the Brakes

When you feel like you have it all together (or mostly anyway, and you are in the routine of life) a panic stop is the last thing you expect. But, right now, we have encountered one. My life is now controlled by many more circumstances and physicians.

We have told close family already, but there are many other friends and family we want to include.. Tonight we made the announcement to our church family and showed the video attached. (Provided I can get it to attach.) If not, the URL for the YouTube site is

This was a hard but very encouraging night. Tomorrow afternoon, if all the insurance stuff is coordinated and in place, then we will start the chemotherapy.