Friday, February 22, 2019

First Cycle First Week, In The Books

No matter the weather outside, the ceiling in the waiting area of the Infusion Lab at Winship Cancer Institute at Emory always is sunny and bright. Great idea. 

Today marks the completion of the first week of the first cycle of the clinical trial I am now enrolled in at Emory. I feel very encouraged to be able to participate. So far side effects are minimal. Thanks for your prayers. Trusting that it all works and God is glorified. 

The picture above reminds me of some words of Jesus found in Matthew 5:45b: "For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

Cancer is hard. So are other diseases. But I am thankful that God's "sun" and "rain" include treatments that are getting better and better. 

Thanks for your prayers. Prayer is the main ingredient in my treatment. 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Something Different

Lima, Peru, October 2018. We could not exactly figure out what this contraption was, but we guessed it was an older version of the Flux Capacitor.
Something Different

Test results sometimes vary, and mine has. The genetic marker that showed up in my 2016 tests failed to appear in my most recent tests. That means I cannot be in the first trial, but I can be in another, so here we go—at least that is where we are right now. For a while, it will mean a couple of trips to Emory each week, and all the meds of the first study plus one. Cancer patients receive a "cocktail" of several meds, and those cocktails vary from cancer to cancer, and even patient to patient. (These, by the way, are the only cocktails I have ever had.)

Prayers are greatly appreciated. Pray that the meds work, side effects are minimal, and God is glorified.

For those who want to know more, private message me on Facebook and I can give you more details.