Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Behold Time

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14, NIV)

I love the older translation that says, “And we beheld His glory, glory as the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” “Seen” seems too short a duration. John and the disciples were with Him for years. “Beheld” indicates that it was something gazed upon, taken in, appreciated even if not understood.

Beholding the glory of God. How limited I am to be able to comprehend it. How limited we all are. When a little of the physical glory came through on the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter, James, and John were overcome. But John had seen it. I cannot put into words what God’s glory is like. I can only reflect on the little that I know. However, if I will look at Him, I will be reminded just how powerful, huge, and full of grace and truth He is.

Grace and truth are a powerful combination. Truth, straight truth, is painful, especially if administered alone. But when combined with grace, truth is revealed while hope is encouraged.
A few weeks ago, at the time I wrote most of what you have just read, I was at a low point. I had lots to do, and progress was slow. Of course, everything that happens now runs, at least somewhat, through the cancer filter. I just felt under the pile. I realized, as I read John 1:14, that what I needed was some "Beholding Time." Time that simply focuses on God, period! It doesn't look at cancer, a to do list, or anything — just Jesus.

Maybe in the rush of the season, you need some beholding time yourself. Take it! Get alone with the Bible, and read as God leads. Just take some time to focus on Jesus.

And now,
About the C-Word
I have been taking an additional med since Saturday. I just have to swallow a pill a day, so no sticks. It has some side effects, but so far nothing big and bad. Otherwise, this is a "rest" week from the IV stuff, which is nice since it is Christmas week. Keep praying, please. That is my most essential need and my family's greatest need.

Get my blog in your inbox. Please subscribe. One day, because of what is ahead with treatment, April and I may be too busy to do much more that to update the blog. So help me stay in touch with you via email.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Passion for the Mission

For our church, this is International Missions Season, and we are working on a goal that is challenging. As I write this, we should be just past the 2/3-of-the-way-there point.

I was reading the other day, and it was mentioned that people who have been to the “field” and seen the people have a much greater burden and understanding of God’s heart for the world. I find this true here at home as well as overseas.

People that serve others, be it student ministry, inner-city ministry, or ____?____, tend to be passionate about it. They know the recipients, see the needs, and experience the blessings of giving of time, talent, and resources, then seeing God work.

I was reading the other day, and it was mentioned that people who have been to the “field” and seen the people have a much greater burden and understanding of God’s heart for the world.

When you have seen with your own eyes the masses of people without Christ, you appreciate the huge need—and responsibility—you have under the great commission (Which isn’t in scripture just once, but five times—each gospel and the book of Acts: Matthew 28:19-29, Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:45-48; John 20:21; Acts 1:8).

The first time I went purposefully overseas, I saw thousands of people in the cities and villages who had never heard the message once. I have had the opportunity to serve on three continents, and with each destination, the masses become more and more a concern. Once you see them, and have opportunity to talk, touch and serve a few of them, these distant peoples cease to be just statistics.

The need for our missions offering is immediate. The IMB has already cut or is cutting more than ten per cent from the work force overseas, on top of making home office and budget reductions across the board. If this offering falls short, then the likelihood of more cuts (or delayed sending) looms much larger—and millions more will go into a Christ-less eternity.

Once a believer went to a distant place to share the good news. Many were receptive to the invitation. Then, one of the new believers said, “You have had this truth for two thousand years. Why has it taken you so long to come and tell us?”

If God didn’t already know the answer, He’d probably ask us the same thing.
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


John 1:1-5
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

John 1 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. I often think of it at this time of year. Light and Christmas go together. I have heard songs about light in numerous venues. But Jesus and his “light” is what is on my mind.

Those last verses (verses 4-5) leap out at me. Jesus is the source of life. I am not thinking of the disease I have here. I am thinking of the disease we are all born with, which has much longer consequences. We are born in spiritual darkness, and, if not enlightened, we will continue to grope along, doing what “inthedark” people do. Inthedark people do not know they are in the dark. They simply know what they have experienced, and get along as best they can. Usually that means emulating what they know or believe other inthedark people are doing or believing. Most are not willfully in the dark. They do not know there is another option.

Jesus is that option. He is the light. But he is so different (bright!) that inthedark folks cannot understand this new way of living until they embrace it. It is the job of every Christ-follower to help inthedark people become intheLight people.

Most of us still wear spiritual shades (“we see through a glass darkly,” Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13), but we can see. We won’t fully comprehend the light until eternity. Christians have made some terrible misjudgments about life and conduct, and tried to blame it on His light. Yet the blame resides in those shades we wear.

His life is the light of men. What a difference in individual lives, and in our world could be, if we really let His light guide us. Light is a friend. Light gives guidance. Light helps us avoid obstacles that are otherwise unseen. Light allows us the privilege of seeing others who are on the same road as ourselves. People who have experienced the true light never want to go back to the darkness again. “In Him was light, and that light was the light of men.” Only Jesus is that kind of light.

Health Update...
I have nearly completed the meds for cycle three (one more treatment on Thursday) and I am still tolerating the meds well, which is a huge praise. However, the doctor has noted that my progress against the disease has not been as significant as they had hoped, so as soon as I have insurance approval and the insurance companies special pharmacy can get it to me, I will add another med to the chemo cocktail. Starting a new med is always a step into the unknown, so continue to pray for me to be healed, to tolerate this new drug well, and that progress against the disease will be made. Most of all, pray that all this will be to God's glory.

Additionally, please pray for us as we look ahead to the Stem Cell transplant. My insurance company only approves a couple of hospitals in Atlanta, none in Augusta. The treatment is available in Augusta, and we are seeking that, for family and support systems sake. But we know that Father knows and sees beyond what we can see, and so we want to be open to whatever door he opens or closes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Quick Update

Okay, I know that it has been forever (it seems) since I put up a post, so here is a quick update. Having treatments closer together during Thanksgiving week did give me a bit more side effects, but I made it through. The next week (last week) was rest week from the meds, and I got several things done around the house that I had been working toward for awhile. The biggest being painting some in our Living/Dining Room, finishing a project I started over a year ago.

Monday, I started the third cycle of chemo. I got a larger dose than usual of the steroid. For those that do not know, some steroids produce a lot of nervous energy and you get lots done. All the interior Christmas stuff was done between the time I got home from the office and went to bed that night.

Now we are seeking the best option for the Autologous Stem Cell Transplant that will be done early next year. The insurance company wants us to go to Atlanta, rather than having it done here. Here is how I am praying, and I ask you to join with me. I cannot see or know compared to what Father sees and knows. I pray to be able to do everything here, unless there is some issue, nuance of treatment, or something else that would only be dealt with in Atlanta. I have to trust God in this, since He sees far more than we can ever see, especially when looking forward. So pray that His best and His glory will be served in all of this, and that He will give us peace in whatever situation we find ourselves.

Thanks for your prayers! They are the essential element in all of this!