Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Decision, Finally

Wow, I kept thinking we would know something, so I haven't posted in two weeks.Here is the latest.

I found out Friday (1/15) that the insurance company rejected our appeal to have the Stem Cell Transplant done locally. This was not really a surprise. But, until a decision was rendered, there was a little glimmer of hope in the back of my mind. So now we know what is ahead.

Someone wrote me the other day, and as they were telling me how much my posts had meant to them (thank you) they wondered if it was a way of ministering to myself as well. The answer to that is, "Absolutely." I have to look at what God says for hope and encouragement. Way better than what I think. The notes below from Isaiah 40:28-31 were actually written about ten days ago, but I think you will see how they apply.

Isaiah 40:28-31
28 Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

God has the big picture. He sees far beyond what I can see. He created the earth. He knows all there is to know. He never tires. An issue never stumps him. He is the source of strength and power. If I will wait on Him, He will renew my strength, to the point that I will not grow weary, or faint. (I’ll assume that includes not dizzy, or cold, either.)

Waiting has never been easy for me. I am wired toward the impatient side, and that is not a good thing. Right now, once again, I am in the school of waiting. I am waiting to see if the chemo is working. I am waiting to hear from the insurance company about the SCT. I would much rather get on with it, but that is not how God is choosing to work this time around. He rarely works according to my time schedule anyway.

That is the rather abrupt end to those God-time notes. But that was what I needed to leave with. He is God. I'm not. He has it covered.

So, here are some current things to pray with us about.
  • I start round five of chemo Monday, and I think that will be the last one. Not sure what the timetable will be after that, but I hope to have a rough idea by early next week.
  • I am experiencing some of the fear of the unknown right now about the transplant, sort of like I felt before the chemo started. I have some folks who have been through all of this to talk to. I know that will help, even though I know that every patient is different.
  • We have lots to do to get ready for this Atlanta segment of treatment. Lots of logistics for us personally, and lots of things that I do around the church that others will have to do. We have a reasonable amount of depth in most areas, but we do need volunteers to come forward for a few things so I can show them how it is done.
Thanks! Pray that all this is for God's glory. Pray that I will keep my gaze on Him rather than all this stuff that surrounds us right now.

More later.

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