Wednesday, January 7, 2009

More Teachers who Impacted my Life

A few weeks ago, I ran a post about some very influential teachers in my life. Today, I continue that reflection. I am sure I will miss some folks, but here are the ones that come to mind, for a variety of different reasons.

My pastor growing up, Bud Shivers. He came to my church when I was seven. One of his sons and I were best friends, so I not only saw him in preaching mode, but in living mode. He was funny, loved life, loved his family, loved his people, and loved God. He taught me about dealing with grief as his wife slowly was taken by awful cancer. He showed me about moving on through grief. He encouraged me, too, as I just was getting started in this vocation of mine.

There were many other as life went on:
“Rev” – my BSU Campus Minister at UGA, who pushed me beyond what I thought I could do to what God wanted to do.
Hank Dunn – who taught me how to have a Quiet Time, when I should have already known.
Barry St. Clair – who taught me so much about student ministry by training and by example, and who is was at least the catalyst God used to give me a love for Eastern Europe and its people.
Peter Lord – who showed me what a relationship with God should be: intimate. Obedient, and Spirit-powered. I have re-spoken his “Why I?” message so many times, I have lost count, and will likely use it again. I can even do it with his accent! (He grew up in Jamaica).
Dave Busby – a miracle man. Dave and I would be the same age if he were still among us. Early on, his body was ravaged with polio, and later on, he was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. I saw him speak with incredible power and strength, and then nearly collapse in a chair as soon as he was done – yet you never knew how sick he was when he was speaking. God used this man of His to stretch my thinking (and the thinking of thousands of others) and see Jesus in ways I have never thought about. If I remember right, he was forty-seven when he passed away. But still, his message linger on my iPod, and, more importantly, in my soul.

Influential teachers are very special people. They do more than transfer information. They transfer their lives, their message. They may not have a lot of worldly investments, but the investment they make is in lives - a commodity far more valuable.

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