Saturday, January 24, 2009


What do you expect when you go to church? Most of us expect friendly faces, enjoyable music, instructive and hopefully inspirational sermons. But, do you expect to meet God in a special way. Do you expect, “God to show up?” I like it when that happens. I just don’t know if I usually expect it.

I spent my first thirty plus years of service working with middle and high school students. I was always amazed at how often God would “show up” at camps or on retreats, but rarely at our weekly youth group meetings. After about 29 years, it finally dawned on me that “God encounters” were more likely to happen at camps or retreats than during our weekly youth gatherings because of two “E” words: “expectations” and “environment.”

When we loaded up the bus and vans to head out to summer camp or a retreat, our expectations were high. Usually, the students were going to hear a “communicator” much more able than myself. They were going to be led in worship by a group or person that was better than what they were used to. And they were going to a place (environment) that got them away from their normal day-to-day distractions (and temptations, usually).

We wanted to encounter God in a fresh, powerful way. We expected it. The schedule was planned to prepare us for it. Each morning had times for reading the Bible and praying, worship, and teaching. There was free time, but conversations often centered on what we’d just heard or experienced. Afternoons were filled with recreation, but there was time for reflection and conversation. No wonder worship in the evening was incredible. We were tuned up and ready.

I began to compare the “camp reality” to the “daily” reality of a student showing up on Wednesday night. They had been at school all day, probably had a load of homework to do. Perhaps had to deal with a certain amount of drama during the day. Yet, they had decided to come to youth group. Most didn’t come in, though, expecting the “camp” worship and God-encounter experience. For many, their first thought about God that day happened after they got to that room. As the leader, I wanted us to have the “camp” experience every week, but I think I was expecting it from the students more than I was expecting it from God.

Whether a church service or a youth service, do you come expecting God to meet you? You to meet him? Do you just come because you are “supposed to.” If you answered, “Not really,” “Not really,” and “Yeah, that’s about it,” or something similar, you aren’t likely to meet God.

As learned at camp, it takes a prepared, focused, clean heart. I remember a preacher asking once if we spent as much time “combing” our heart before church as we did our hair. (I had more back then.) I think his point is obvious. Preparing is time spent in praise, confession, thanksgiving, and asking God to meet you, to teach you, to make you more like he created you to be.

Do you prepare for worship? What do you expect?

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