Saturday, April 24, 2010

Immense, Immeasurable Prayers

In her introduction to Voices of the Faithful, Book 2, Beth Moore states, “Never lose sight of the fact that your prayers matter immensely. The fact is, they matter immeasurably.” I don’t know about you, but sometimes it is easy to wonder just how much my prayers matter. Moore continues, “When I wonder if my prayers for others are accomplishing anything at all, my mind often turns to Paul’s words in the first chapter of 2 Corinthians.”

Take some time to read 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, but notice these two sentences. “We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure so that we despaired even of life… On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us, as you help us with your prayers.”

If there is anything of which I am convinced, it is that your prayers have helped me immeasurably and immensely. I will probably never fully comprehend exactly how much until I am in Heaven, but I know they have made a huge difference. Never underestimate the importance or the effectiveness of your prayers.

Now that I have been back in Augusta for a couple of weeks, I am trying to work half days or a bit more. Not sure I am doing a half-day's work yet, but I am present anyway. One of the Physician's Assistants we saw has made it simple: "The chemo is out of your system, but the side effects are not. Some of those will take weeks or months to go away." Well, I didn't give him the "Barnabas Award" for encouragement, but I do appreciate his honesty.

I am getting stronger, and occasionally have a full nights sleep. Learning to pace myself is perhaps the most difficult thing, although my body has a couple of ways of letting me know if I am overdoing it. And, I am very glad to be back home!

Here are some specific things you can pray for me:
  1. The test that will tell me where I stand with this cancer will be done on June 22, and we’ll get the results on July 6. Pray that the test will show that I am healed or am in complete remission. 
  2. Pray for me as I begin to become more involved in my ministry responsibilities again. I want to be sure I am doing what He wants me to do as I serve Him and my church.
  3. Pray for the bone aching to come to an end. My legs ache most of the time, because the bone marrow is working hard to regenerate. It doesn’t stop me from doing most things. It just nags.
  4. Pray for full nights of sleep. We all know how that helps.
Remember, your prayers matter immensely and immeasurably.

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