Wednesday, September 25, 2019


The picture is from Amsterdam in 1988. The tunnels seem appropriate because of what is happening tomorrow. I was with a group traveling to Africa and we had a fifteen hour layover, so we got to see some of the city. 

For four or five months I have experienced shortness of breath and since May have had some occurrences of chest pain when I exert myself (climbing stairs, walking a good distance, etc.) I kept hoping it was something that would go away as some of my cancer treatment medications were finished, but it has not. So, today, Wednesday, April accompanied me to see a cardiologist. The short story is that tomorrow, I will have a heart catheterization to really see what is going on. Pray as they tunnel their way up to my heart through a vein, that if there is something they will find it. When they find it, pray that it can be fixed while in the cath lab. We are not sure if this is related to cancer treatment, or being 69 years old with some family history of heart disease, or a combination of the two. Still, I want to get it checked out, and this is the best way to tell. Pray that God is glorified through all of this. 

On the cancer front, I am still in the clinical trial, and the creepy number keeps creeping upward. A change may be coming to my treatment, but nothing definitive yet. 

Thanks for your prayers

1 comment:

  1. Lots of love and prayer for clear diagnosis, excellent treatment, and wisdom along with that peace beyond understanding
