Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Leader's Responsibilities

In Exodus 33:12-18 there is a very interesting exchange between Moses and God. The main point I got is that it is the responsibility of a spiritual leader to know God and His ways. Why? So that leader can continue to please God.

I was thinking. Here is Moses. He had “arrived.” He was the leader of over a million people. Granted, they were really spiritually dull sometimes. Just before this they had made that golden calf and had a “worship party” before it. Right before that they had promised Moses and God, “Everything the Lord says we will do.” But, to outsiders, Moses looked pretty successful.

Yet Moses sought God. Perhaps because of the two experiences mentioned in the last paragraph, Moses knew that his strength would come from God, and not his (Moses‘)people. Moses was an old man. 80-plus. He could have rested on what he knew of God and enjoyed the power of his position, but He did not. He wanted more.

Moses knew that without God’s presence, he, and the people who followed him, were in a mess. He wanted his own life and the life of his “nation” to evidence the presence of God. When God’s presence is present, it is obvious even to the godless.

Doctors released me from the hospital today. I am home, and though a bit weak, feeling much better. Thank you for the prayers.

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