Good walk – good breakfast – smooth registration process – good messages in the Pastor’s Conference. This morning’s theme was “Brokenness.”
The last two messages this morning were awesome. George Harris, FBC Kerrville, TX related his story of recovery and depression after a terrible motorcycle accident. On one of many sleepless nights, God made Psalm 116 alive to him. That night, he moved from brokenness to the deepest intimacy of his life with God.
The final morning message was from Ed Litton. He quoted Alan Redpath (I'll try to get this right): “To accomplish an impossible task, God takes and impossible man, and crushes him.”
“Only the incredible within us is credible about us.” – Ed Litton said as he spoke of what non-believers see in Christ followers.
Brokenness is a pre-requisite for God to have total freedom to use our lives.
The hall was reasonably full. The pic below was made during the lunch break.

The afternoon sessions were good. A couple of highlights...
Greetings from Tony Dungee, Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts. He was introduced by his Pastor, who said “Coach Dungee is the real deal. When we have VBS this summer, he’ll be there, directing the recreation!” I think that is really cool. Someone who could be “too busy” chooses not to be, and lets God use him in the lives of kids.
The last message was by James MacDonald, who spoke on repentance.
“Pride is God-repellent.”
Good preaching.
thats really cool about dungy...i thought you might appreciate a comment so you know someone is reading; like inspiration or something...