Some days, the spiritual forecast where I live looks pretty stormy. Our culture seems to be headed to down a moral sewer. But when things often look the darkest, there is a light coming through.
Lots of folks seem to think that "light" is electing the right person or persons. If we do, then everything in this country will get fixed. Not gonna happen. Sorry.
God has another idea. He is waiting for those of us who know Him to get lives, priorities, and perspectives right. People that don't know God act like it. They make choices that go against the wisdom of the One who created everything and holds it all together. But God isn't calling the people who don't follow him to get things right. He calls us.
2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked way, then from heaven will I hear, forgive them of their sin, and heal their land.”
God says "if MY people..." not "those people." He calls us to humble ourselves. That means admitting that we need Him because we think, choose, and act wrongly on our best day. We're needy! And by the way, it is way better to humble yourself than to wait for God to do it. He can, but we really don't want Him to do that. If we humble ourselves before Him, evidenced by our prayers, and our repentance, that is enough. When enough believers do that, then from heaven will He hear, and heal [our] land. If our nation is not "healed" the blame will not go on the heads of politicians, musicians or movie makers. It will be ours: the God followers.
Call it renewal, revival, making things right, whatever. It means getting rid of any and every thing that messes up our relationship with God, and start focusing on what matters to Him.
I need that in my life.
You probably do too.
Take some time out and spend some time with Him. Get the healing started.