"Levi" says his scan is clear. As long as I bring him food, I must be okay. |
Several have asked so here is the news as we know it...
Emory reports that my numbers for the one blood test continue to climb. Some have asked what is being measured, and it is my Lambda Light chain number. Okay, now you know about as much as I know about it.
This, my Emory doctors say, is a biochemical relapse, but there are no other symptoms, no other numbers our of whack. I can tell you they measure lots of stuff, judging from the number of vials they draw. [Whoever designed that doohickey where they only have to stick you once and then just keep putting one vial after another as needed is to be applauded.]
So I have a PET scan on November 10, here in Augusta. The PET Scan is sort of like a real high class CT Scan, but it is more particular. If you want to be amazed at what smart people can come up with, you might check out this article:
The scan is to make sure that my doctors are not missing something. Pray they aren't.
After the results of the scan are in, then my doctors will decide what is next. I have some ideas as to what that might be, but I don't really know, and the doctors aren't saying, so I won't either.
Pray for no surprises in the results of the PET Scan, Tuesday, November 10.
Pray all this works for God's glory. That is what really matters.